Like all food industries, the Hénaff factory in Pouldreuzic (Brittany) is a major energy consumer. In search of alternative sources of energy optimization, the French company decided to focus on optimizing its existing facilities and embarked on an ISO 50001 certification process with Energiency.
Adapted automatic reports, easier data sharing between operational teams, precise monitoring of deviations from the reference, use of new digital tools to enhance the value of energy efficiency actions carried out, etc. Hénaff has obtained a better vision of its consumption and the optimizations to be implemented to reduce it. Energy savings have become a reality since they have become a concern and a challenge for the Brittany-based manufacturer.
The collaboration with Hénaff is a perfect example of an energy revolution that has finally led to a digital revolution. The company has clearly succeeded in its shift to the factory of the future. Discover in this success story how Hénaff has made its energy savings a concrete reality.
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