Enovos Energie Deutschland (Enovos), the B2B sales company of the Luxemburgish Encevo group in Germany, significantly improved its energy prediction performance thanks to Energiency’s artificial intelligence. In order to more accurately anticipate its customers energy consumption, Enovos has successfully rolled out Energiency’s new product “EN-SURE”, a cutting-edge AI algorithm leveraging existing data in factories. “EN-SURE” forecasts manufacturers’ energy consumption with higher accuracy, reducing the gap between energy purchased by suppliers and actual consumption of manufacturers.
Enovos was looking for new levers of competitiveness for Energy Sales. Energy consumption forecast errors can lead to real expensive imbalancing costs. By leveraging real time data collection, Energiency has designed and built a powerful Intraday forecast and trading order system. The standardized methodology developed based on a dedicated cutting edge AI algorithm allows replicability and scalability to the entire Enovos manufacturing customers’ portfolio. By benefiting from accurate forecasts of industrial energy consumption, Enovos is now able to mitigate the risk of imbalanced costs by updating its positions on the electricity market in real time.
Dirk Finger, Managing Director Enovos: “Energy consumption & demand vary over time. Knowing more accurately and in real time the manufacturing companies’ consumption is decisive for electricity suppliers to make the best decisions on the electricity market. Risk mitigation is a main concern for Utilities, especially in the current international energy context, and Energiency’s “EN-SURE” is a key technological asset for Enovos in this purpose”.
Arnaud Legrand, CEO Energiency: “Energy suppliers are looking for on the shelf and easy to implement technologies to scale the digitization of their core business. Energiency puts AI at work by automating a new standard to price energy contracts. Energy Suppliers like Enovos can now reach a new level of performance, allowing them to take smarter decisions and differentiate on the market with extra added value.”
Link to the official PR: Enovos Energie Deutschland selects Energiency’s AI to boost the accuracy of its energy consumption forecasts
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